Daily Reference To The King


Daily Reference To The King 

Psalms 121:1-2  "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth."

Great men in God's Kingdom knew the secret of success in the kingdom. The secret is not by doing all the right things. The right things may bring some results but doing the right things is not the first thing to do. The first thing to do is to follow the King and His ways. This is possible by having His life. God is the King with a difference. He is all knowing. He is all powerful. He is all present.

To follow after God is the first thing to do in the kingdom. This will entail learning who He is. He is love, He is present everywhere. He created all things for His pleasure. Nothing is impossible with Him, this goes to say that He can do anything He so chooses to do immediately or after a period in time. Miracles are a normal way of life in His kingdom. He has more than enough to reach all our needs. The summary of this is that all subjects of His kingdom can put their trust in Him knowing that all their supply will come from Him.

All great men in His kingdom know this that a continuous daily returning back to Him can solve all the puzzles and riddles in life. The Bible has a record of these great men in His kingdom. Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, Solomon, the prophets (like Isaiah and Ezekiel), Jesus Christ, Apostle Paul and all the other appostles (including men and women), all showed this attribute of going back to God (the King of the kingdom) to get refreshed, inspiration and motivation and to have their needs supplied. King David who was a king in a sub-kingdom in God's Kingdom knew the secret of going back to the source (The King of Kings) to receive inspiration and motivation for success. David said:

 "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help...My help cometh from the LORD, .."

The secret of King David's success is this one imporrtant thing, he continually and unfailingly returned to God for refreshment, inspiration and motivation. He said at one time that: 

 "I will lift up my eyes...unto ...my help... the LORD,.."

He saw God as His helper. He saw God as His inspiration. God gave him the secret to success and happiness.  God gave him material and spiritual needs. God was his source. At a point in David's life, his human natural life prevailed over him and as a result, he sinned against God. This was enough for God to release judgement on him but King David repented and confessed his sin before God. The level of wealth and success David had was enough to make him to desire to leave a life of Independence from God yet, he continually returned to God. Most men in David's situation will see themselves above God. That was not the case with David.

"...My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth."

If God made heaven and Earth, there will never be a time that any man will be greater than Him. David knew this quite well. This super-abundant creator deserve our loyalty and respect. At what point in your life are you beginning to think that you are sufficient all by yourself? Are you beginning to puff up and do as you so will without consideration to your maker who made heaven and Earth? This life of Independence from God will not help a bit. God will not snatch your success, He is having more than enough. There is more success awaiting you in Him beyond your wildest imagination. Learn His ways and keep moving forward.

Jesus was another man who succeeded in his calling. His followers saw in him raw success without contamination. They saw that his life is not detached from prayer and praying to God. He was asked at one time  to teach them how to prayer and he did not hesitate to teach them.

St. Matthew 6:9-13 "After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen."

If you understand the lesson Jesus was teaching them about prayer, your heart will warm up and you will wake up unto prayer. If a successful man is giving you unreserved lessons on success, you better learn and get all that you can get.

Jesus was successful and this was his daily habit i.e. prayer.

"After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father..."

Jesus was in essence saying that if you made up your mind to pray, go ahead and do it like this...go to our Father. While many will seek help somewhere else, for you, go to our Father. This our Father, is a Father to you and me. He is not just a Father to Jesus but to all of us who will come to Him. He has enough for Jesus, for his disciples, for you and for me. He has more than enough for our material and spiritual needs. When you see this our Father supplying the needs of one man, He will supply yours also. You do not have to be desperate and agitated, thinking that supply will finish. Brace up and get ready to have God meet your needs. Once you learn His ways, He is able to do much more than you can ever think or imagine. It might surprice you to a 'scare' to know how big God is if He reveals His greatness to you. He is great enough to meet your needs. 

Understanding prayer and kingdom lifestyle is very important to true happiness. These are embedded in the prayer Jesus taught them.

"Hallowed be thy name...Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven..."

Hallow the King. Glorify His name and desire to see His kingdom lifestyle become yours. When you know His will for your life, you are plugged in for a continuous stream of overflowing supply of grace and provision for life. The pieces of your life will fall in place. Life begins to make sense. You are getting ready for the big deal.

"...Give us this day our daily bread..."

Supply for daily bread will come when you see Him as the source of all supply. This is all we are saying, that God is the true source of success and happiness in life. Returning to Him on a regular basis is very important to genuine and uncontaminated success and happiness. In God's kingdom, there is more than enough to meet the needs of all who will see Him as Father, King and source of everything good.

Will you do what the prophets and Jesus did? Will you return to the King of Kings and Father of us all who will supply all you need? He will not disappoint you. He will heal you. He will forgive you. He will deliver you from all affliction. He will provide all your needs. He will give you success. It will take you to learn His ways and do His will.


Our Father in heaven, You are my Father and my God. You are the King of Kings. You own all things including me. Change my life and make me a better person n Your will. Give me the desired success and everything I need. You will do it for me just in like manner You did it for men and women who were successful in your kingdom. Thank You for answering my prayers in Jesus name. Amen!


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