God Has Done It
- What God Has Done
Genesis 1:2,3 "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
There are things that undoubtedly God has done and can be clearly seen by anyone who has a clear picture of what God can do. For the uninitiated, the cloudiness of the mind will not allow them to accept the opportunity to see God at work in their lives by first of all seeing what He had done in the time past in nature and in the life of other people.
Sometimes, you may not notice clearly the demarcation and boundary of what God can do and what the devil can do. Sometimes it may appear to a person that all the good came from personal effort not knowing that it came from God out of His mercy and love.
What did God do? What is it that He can do? Where is the boundary of what man can do and God taking over to do what only Him can do? Where is it that we are interfering with what God is doing?
Before God stepped in before creation, what was the previous condition of things that warrants Him to come in?
"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep..."
When things are out of shape and nothing appears to be clear, that is good prerequisite for God to step in. This Earth that we live in was not there at the beginning and all that one would see was darkness. God that can bring shape and light and bring beauty out of an ugly situation is still at work today.
"And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters..."
When God is to do what He intend to do, He will do it His own way. In this case, it was by His Spirit. Things get to happen according to God's plan if we learn to do it the way He planned it to be. When the Spirit of God is given free hand, amazing things can happen. Undoubtedly, you want to see great things happen in your life. Learn to walk with Him. Learn to cooperate with Him.
Do not allow God to be bottled in. Just as the Spirit of God moved and great things happen, allow Him to move in your life. Stagnancy is not His way of doing things. He may ask you to be calm and it may appear like He is not working, He is doing something that your eyes may not be seeing.
"...the Spirit of God moved..."
The Spirit moved upon something. That something was the point of contact and ground for God to do what only Him can do.
"...moved upon the face of the waters..."
There was no ground for Spirit of God to move. It was waters. You must hold this truth clear. God can produce something out of what appears to be nothing. 'Waters' is not solid Earth yet the Spirit of God moved.
"And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
What did God do to get light? He spoke. God's word is powerful to cause things to happen. The solution to the darkness is for God to speak. What did God say?
"...Let there be light: ..."
Is that all? Nothing more than that for darkness to give way. "Let there be light" was sufficient to expel darkness. The solution to darkness is light. The light came by the word of God. Can we get the same kind of result today? Since God cannot change, His word is as powerful today as it was at the beginning.
The change comes when we learn to walk with Him.
God spoke light into being putting an end to darkness. It did not stop there. It was not light alone that God was interested in. He wanted the Earth to come into being. He wanted the soil to come into existence on which plants will grow. He wanted man to exist and tend all He created. He started with light but was not stopping at that. Whatever God started He will complete if man will learn to walk with Him. God has been at work and is still working. Will you allow Him to finish what He started?
St. Luke 1:37 "For with God nothing shall be impossible."
Some statements about God can appear to be impossible but just watch God do what only Him can do. Nothing is impossible with Him. Jesus severally repeated the same statement because He walked with God all the way. There is much to see in all of this. God will do something great in your life and He will not stop until He have finished.
Creation is not the only case of God doing His wonders. All through the Bible, we see Him demonstrating His might.
Exodus 14:29,30 "But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left.
Thus the LORD saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the sea shore."
Walking through the Sea on dry ground cannot be possible without the power of God at work by the obedience of Moses. Step by step we see God taking this man from glory to glory. Had Moses given up along the way, no miracle would have taken place.
"But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left."
Who could have done this if not God. This was the middle of the Sea but it became dry. That is how God will do it for you. Immediately you will see dry ground from nowhere. It was actually from the Lord. It came from the Lord and not just from nowhere. The saving power of God did it.
"...the LORD saved Israel that day ..."
What do you think the Lord will do for you? He will save you. He will deliver you from trouble. He will provide for you. This is true for a family. It is true for a nation and any setup where there is no form and darkness tends to dominate.
My Father and my God I open the way for you to have your way and perfect what you started. Do in my life what only you can do. I surrender to your will and purpose.
My life will take shape and have a form and darkness shall be rolled away. Light have come by the power of Your Spirit. I pray in Jesus name. Amen!
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