What God Has Done For Me

What God Has Done For Me

Isaiah 25:1 "O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth."

There is the tendency for one to  assume that God has not done anything for him or her. It is also possible for a person to thing that all that has happened so far is all from personal input and God has nothing to do with it. From the scripture above, God has done wonderful things.

"... thou hast done wonderful things..."

The things He had done for you are wonderful. The things He will do will be even more wonderful. How is it that some are not seeing God doing wonderful in their lives? What could have happened that it appears like nothing from God seems to be coming their way? A widow asked for help to clear the debt her husband left for her and free her from the creditors and God gave her more than she could need. Samson was given supernatural strength such that he became a one man army. God gave him the strength. At a particular point in time Jesus fed a crowd of about five thousand with just five loaves of bread and two fish and when everyone has eaten, the leftover was twelve baskets full. God can do it for individuals and for a group of people. What has he done for you? He is always at work and especially on your behalf. Can you see it? For you to see Him at work for you, this one condition must first be met.

 "O Lord, thou art my God..."

Make Him your God deliberately. If you see Him as '... their God...', you are disenfranchising yourself from the commonwealth of heaven.  You must see him as one you can personally identify with. You must embrace Him and take Him as the source of all you are and all that you will ever be. You must be personal with Him. You must call Him "...my God...". This is not like telling people that He is your God. It speaking to Him and calling Him: "You are my God".

Telling people that He is your God is different from telling Him that He is your God. Though both are important but the most important is calling Him your God. This is one important point to note about God doing anything for you in a consistent basis until you see it as a wonder. Will you today address the issue and go to God in prayer? Tell Him that you surrender to His will and allow Him to take the lead of your life. He will do it for you. What will He do for you?

"...thou hast done wonderful things..."

He will do wonderful things for you. He will deliver you from whatsoever is inflicting, suppressing or oppressing you. He will provide for you. He will give you wisdom for daily living. First, let Him be the first in your life. Being God and being first is important. He will take over for you. 

What do you need to do so that there will be continuous flow of wonders from Him after identifying Him as God?

"...I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; ... thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth."

1. Learn to thank Him for what He had done and what He will do. "I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name..."

Thanking and praising God will create the atmosphere for Him to do more. This will create the atmosphere for continuous stream of wonders. Make Him know that He is important to you. 

2. Learn to follow His counsel. "...thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth."

What ever instruction(s) God will give, it is for Him to do wonders. He told men and women in Bible days to do one thing or the other and once it is done, He was triggered to do wonders. Whatever He tells you to do, go ahead and do it. This is important for your miracle. Follow His counsel. Do His will. He will do it for you. 

Once your part of the bargain is complete, God will do it for you. Praise God and follow His counsel. Do what He asks of you so that there is no loophole to your receiving miracles for you.


My Lord and my God, what else could I desire more than You? Give me a change of heart to learn to do your will. I will praise You and obey Your counsel. Do it for me and I will continually praise You.

This I pray in Jesus name. Amen!


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