God Owns Everything, Including You
All Belongs To God
Psalms 24:1 "The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."
Ownership tells a lot about anything. The person who owns a thing tells what the thing will be used for. The person who owns the property is the same person that will tell what the property is to be used for. The owner of the property has a reason for owning the property. That is why a will is written in case the owner of the property is not alive, what becomes of the property is known. It will not be right for one person to own a home or a land or even a car then another person decides what the property is to be used for without the permission of the owner of the property or without formal change of ownership. God owns everything. He owns the earth, the moon, the stars, the planetary bodies and galaxies. He 'leased' (so to say) the earth to man (Genesis 2:28-30) with some conditions attached.
"The earth is the LORD's, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."
A man could own a house but maybe those that occupy the house and everything in the house may belong to another person. The owner of the house could tell the occupants how he wants his property to be used but he does not own the occupant and the occupant's property and will not tell the owner what to do with the property. In the case of God, He owns the earth (and beyond) and everybody in the earth and every other thing in the earth i.e the mountains, the rivers, the forests etc. To make sure everything is managed properly, He gave us a will and He put in us intellect to reason and once we reason in line with His plan, what is entrusted to us will be managed well. He instituted leaders so that our boundaries are not exceeded.
"... the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein."
Men invent things. The invention is a reflection of the capabilities of the inventors. The inventor has an original use of the invention. Once the reason of the invention is not known, the misuse of the invention will become the outcome. God created the earth (and beyond) for a purpose, once the purpose of the invention is not known or it is known but it is being used wrongly, things will go wrong. Since everything and everyone belongs to Him, it will be wisdom to get back to Him to know the purpose of the thing created. Going back to God to get feedback and receive direction is what He requires of us. In His presence, we receive cover from the heavy bombardment of the world. But before we take a step closer to Him, we must put ourselves in the right condition to access His presence. What is that condition?
Psalms 24:3 "Who shall ascend into the hill of the LORD? or who shall stand in his holy place?"
To draw near to God (the owner of everything) is likened to '...ascend into the hill...". To ascend any hill demands more effort than to descend the hill. It is much more easier to descend a hill than to ascend. To draw near to God will make more demand on us than to move away from Him. God has made provision for us to make it easier to climb to Him. So, who is that person that can come closer to God for direction and receive cover and a blessing?
Psalms 24:4 "He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully."
It is not hidden from us the kind of person who can climb the mountain of the Lord. God is generous to make it clear to us those that can come closer to Him.
"...clean hands, ... pure heart; ...hath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully."
These are conditions to be met before one can ascend the mountain of the Lord. What really are these conditions? To understand these conditions, let us look at how the same verse is rendered in another version.
From Good News Transaction:
Psalms 24:4 "Those who are pure in act and in thought,
who do not worship idols
or make false promises."
Pure thoughts and actions are conditions to put one in the right disposition to climb the mountain of the Lord. Once your thoughts are clear and the actions that follow the thoughts are pure, the climbing has began. Having pure thoughts comes from not having 'idols' in the heart. Idols in this sense means anything that contends with the knowledge of God. These idols are a distraction to the target i.e. reaching God at the top of the mountain. That is why the climbing is not easy however God has made provision to make it easy. This is a spiritual climbing that must not be measured with carnal, physical observable things. God has made His word available for us to ease the climbing. God promised us in His word that He will not leave nor forsake us. He will fulfill His promise. While we were at the bottom of the mountain, He was there helping us to climb. He did not want us to stay at the bottom of the mountain. At the bottom, the idols will not allow us to pay attention to Him. They are contending for attention. This is distraction. No one who harbor idols will be able to reach the top of the mountain to have the fullest encounter with the Lord. If you harbor idols, you will just stand and get amazed at what others at the top of the mountain are enjoying. Pure thoughts and actions are conditions and this is possible from the heart that does not keep idols. Be responsible for the climbing and you will not stop until you reach the top of the mountain. We need to understand the promises of God to those who will reach the top of the mountain so that we do not climb for nothing sake.
Psalms 24:5 "He shall receive the blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation."
Who does not want blessings from the Lord? We all want the blessings of the Lord. No doubt, you want the blessings of the Lord. You get the blessing not at the bottom but at the top of the mountain. This blessings is not separated from righteousness. Right standing with God is a prerequisite for the climbing and the receiving of the blessing. Clean hands (actions) and clean heart (thoughts). God has made provision to make this possible and easy.
Psalms 24:7 "Lift up your heads, O ye gates; and be ye lift up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in."
At the top of the mountain, here you are face to face with the Lord. The blessings is right before you. At this point, He opens doors for you because you opened the door of your heart and thoughts to Him. Once He opens any door for you, no one makes any attempt at closing the door without a repercussion. You become precious to Him.
In the New Year, stay at the top of the mountain. This is where your success will be guaranteed. The year will bring to you lots of blessings if you do not stop the climbing and once you reach the top, stay there until one door after another keeps opening to you. God owns everything and He will like to entrust into your hands a blessing. Your hands have to be clean to receive. Your thoughts and actions must align with God.
You may go about your normal daily duties yet you are at the mountain top. It is not about any physical mountain. It is God's dealing in your heart. You will drop the burdens you carry at His feet and exchange it for a blessing. Jesus said:
Matthew 11:28 "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
God has made it easy in Christ Jesus. By Him, you will climb to the top of the mountain then you will find rest from the bombardment of the world and you will find rest from using your effort to climb. Jesus is saying to you to come. Keep climbing.
Lord Jesus, I know that God owns everything including me. You have paid the price to make it easy for me. I drop at your feet the burdens I carry and move forward to enjoy the blessing at the top of the mountain where doors will be opened for me. While I climb, I drop all idols and trust that you will make everything work for me. This year is blessed for me. Thank you for the blessing. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!
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