Living The Blessed Life: Agreements In The Blessing

Agreements In The Blessing The Blessed Amongst Others In Agreement Amos 3:3 "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" No man can live alone like an island. Trying to build walls to keep people away will not change much, you must live with people whether you are blessed or not. It is better to learn how to live with them than to burn bridges that connects with them. Building walls will need people, living within the wall need people whether inside the wall or outside. The blessing will attract people who will want to be partakers of the blessing either as dependants or partners. It is wisdom to know how to walk and relate with people. Even if you part ways with people, they or you may have some measure of influence. Comments about you by people who knew you can influence a lot about you. One of the many ways to increase your chances of success with your walk with people is your agreement with them. How you agree can make or mar your relationships. Agreement...