Carrying The King's Presence Genesis 39:2 "And the LORD was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian..." Prosperity and success does not come by accident. Men and women who acted according to specific rules and principles will meet success along their way. The domain any man operates will determine what rules governs his or her actions. Consistency in taking the right actions will trigger either success or failure. Success will come if the actions are triggered by responsible and tested principles. Failure will come when carelessness is put into play. One principle that will guarantee success in God's kingdom is the practice of 'GOD'S PRESENCE'. It has been proven time without number that consciously practicing God's presence brings success. True peace and happiness comes by knowing that God is able to do all things and by knowing how to walk with Him and for Him, a presence of God's glory will ...